Sunday, July 10, 2016

Flashcards for Kids - Entertaining and Educational App

What is Flashcards for Kids?

It is a cross-platform educational app that features flashcards for educating and having fun with your children,

Standout features
There are 1500 different flashcards, each of them easily understandable and suitable for any child under 7 years old. They are all presented with beautiful colored pictures and studio voice-work so your youngster can learn and develop reading skills and logical thinking. If you want to stimulate brain activity or improve the memory and attention span of your kid, then this is the perfect app for you. It also features a very fun game, for the kids to guess the required flashcard.

Uniqueness: High

Potential of going viral: High

iOS version: 7.0 or later

Android version: 2.3 and up

Google Play Download Link: Flashcards for Kids

App Store Download Link: Flashcards for Kids