Friday, July 6, 2018

Focus on Your Meetings by Recording the Discussion with Reason8 Automated Note-Taking

What is Reason8 Automated Note-Taking?

·         Reason8 is an amazing cross-platform productivity app for recording conversations and getting full transcript to prepare your summaries easily.

Standout Features:

·         Easy to use and practical
·         Record conversations, discussions and meetings
·         Automated note-taking to save all information from in-person meetings
·         Automated extraction of tasks from the meeting transcript for speeding up preparation
·         Speech recognition with punctuation and speaker identification supporting multiple languages
·         Provides a handy AI service that automates creating meeting summaries and minutes
·         Provides a record of the meeting and super accurate speech notes
·         Create meeting summaries on the Web for the convenience of keyboard editing
·         Facilitates collaboration with a shareable notes and meeting summaries
·         Free for download

Uniqueness: High

iOS version: 10.3 or later

Android version: 4.4 and up

Google Play Download Link: Reason8

Official Website: Reason8

App Store Download Link: Reason8